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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Silence is golden....

Kym thought about the 48 hours of self-imposed silence she experienced over the weekend at the Brahma Kumaris Centre. She thought about the challenge it became whereby she almost called her husband several times to come and pick her up. She thought about the moment those thoughts of desperation were turned around; the moment where she was healed through the love and peace donated to her by the other participants. She thought about how blessed she was to not have listened to the voice of her ego for if she had, she would not have had such a profound experience of receiving peace.

Kym then thought about the saying 'silence is golden' and she realised that yes it really is. She realised that just as gold is a precious metal, so to silence is precious; it is a precious commodity we rob ourselves of and it is one we need to connect with more than we do. So Kym's message to the world is to take time to step back, reflect and connect with your soul because as you do you will be connecting to the one soul that is all souls.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Kym awoke feeling excited about going to the Silence Retreat tonight at Brahma Kumaris in Baxter. She had such a great experience in May at her first silence retreat and she had been waiting eagerly since then to attend another.

Kym was particularly eager to experience her connection to Source again. While she knew that she was always connected to Source, it was the physical experience in her heart that she craved. It was also the opportunity to not speak. She found this to be such a profound experience last time and in fact, an experience that was totally unexpected. What Kym realised was that she became more connected through silence with the people sharing the retreat than through making idle chatter (the kind of chatter you have with people you've never met before which to be honest Kym found quite tedious most times). It was such a relief for Kym that she could just be.

People who know Kym laughed when she told them about the retreat in May. They looked at her incredulously because she is often known for her talking. Kym came to realise at the last retreat, and it was something that had entered her thoughts over the past few years, that her talking was often due to her feeling uncomfortable in a situation, wanting to be liked and other similar reasons. Being silent gave Kym the chance to be silent by mouth, by mind and by heart and therefore truly connect to Source.

This weekend is going to be great and Kym can't wait! Kym's husband and kids can't wait either because in the words of her husband, "it gives us a chance to have some silence too" with a smile on his face and love in his heart.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What the heck am I doing..........

Kym had been asking herself "why was she trading her time for money?" for some weeks now and the more she asked the question the more emphatic she became about changing that situation. She wasn't sure how to change it but she knew it was time to change it.

Asking this question prompted Kym to query why humans spend the majority of their lives trading their time for money usually in some job they don't even enjoy because, and this thought sent shivers up her spine, time is our most important commodity - it can NEVER be retrieved no matter what! Money can be retrieved, health can be retrieved, even love can be retrieved - time cannot.

With this Kym realised that she was trading her most important commodity and if she wasn't careful she'd be on her deathbed wondering what the heck had she done with her life....more accurately.....what the heck had she done with her time!

So what the heck is Kym doing with her time? To be honest, she was trading it for money. She didn't like this answer. What could she do to change this? One thing she did know for sure was that she needs to do things that bring her joy. Cross stitch brings her joy. Baking brings her joy. Funny movies bring her joy. Singing brings her joy. So that's it. She will do things that bring her joy during the times she is wasting her time with pointless activities and by doing this, more things of joy will come to her. That's it she realised! Do what she enjoys and therefore live in the moment. Joy.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The power of colours....

As Kym watched a DVD her eyes wandered to the array of ornaments that were carefully arranged on the cabinet the TV rested on. The colours were a mixture of greens and oranges and as she looked at the oranges she experienced feelings of warmth and joy. She once read somewhere that it when arranging ornaments choose the colour range that first comes to your heart because that colour will play a significant role in your life until your inner voice signals that it's time for a new colour scheme.

Kym recalled the day she set the range of green and orange ornaments and the feelings she experienced as she followed her inner voice. Over 18 months later these colours still resonate with Kym, so much so that when in Puerto Rico last week she had two ornaments to choose from and it was the orange one she selected to purchase. It now resides with the other orange ornaments proudly in front of the television set.

When Kym investigated the meaning behind the colours orange and green it made sense to her. She found that orange is associated with joy, sunshine and the tropics, and represents enthusiasm, fascinations, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement and stimulation. She discovered that green is associated with nature, and it symbolises growth, harmony, fertility and freshness. It has strong emotional correspondence with safety and is commonly associated with money.

This made so much sense to Kym because she has always felt at peace with green and in every house she had green somewhere in the colour scheme. She realised that different shades of green had greater significance at different times in her life also. However over 18 months ago was the first time she had selected orange.

Kym found it fascinating that colour has such an impact on the human physical and mental states, however she was not surprised.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Listen up everyone; Kym has been pondering the importance of laughter. It all started when Sue, a close friend, told her about her partner's recurrence of a potentially terminal illness. Kym's response was that she couldn't think of anything to say except that laughter is the best medicine.

Kym felt pretty ineffectual at saying this however over the weekend sh experienced first hand the power of laughter. Kym and Jeff (her husband) went out to dinner with close friends on Saturday night and ended up laughing a lot. The effects were still with her the next day; she could feel the laughter in every cell of her physical body. That day Kym decided that she wanted to see a movie, The Ugly Truth, and unexpectedly Jeff decided to come along. AND even more unexpectedly the movie was extremely funny and she laughed and laughed, along with most of the viewers. When she returned home she told Jeff that she felt there was more laughter inside her and she felt like she wanted to keep on she cooked roasted pumpkin, roasted capsicum and red lentil soup; Kym was very happy with the soup; it was very delicious.

So, on Monday when Kym woke up to get ready for work she could still feel the effects of her weekend of laughter throughout her entire body and she felt fantastic! She realised that throughout the entire day her mood was lighter and she laughed at silly things she wouldn't normally give a second glance. It's now Tuesday morning and she can still feel the effects of the laughter. Her body feels alive and she can feel the energy coursing through the cells in her body.

So Kym no longer feels ineffectual at the advice she gave her dear friend and is completely amazed at the power of laughter. She is also completely amazed at the power of laughter because she doesn't laugh easily.

SO everyone, laughter truly is the best medicine!

Here are a few links:

Enjoy your day and laugh out loud with Kym!

Monday, August 17, 2009

The decision....

Kym was feeling torn between two decisions. Her current job was not fulfilling and she was finding it challenging to feel inspired. On Wednesday morning on the way to work she had a clear and decisive was time to leave her job. As usual the Universe worked its magic and in the early afternoon, not long after her lunch break, Kym received a call from someone she had done some work for last year. He told her that there were two positions available that he thought she might like and he was calling her because he'd been told by someone that she was unhappy in her current job. Kym couldn't believe it! She was taking this offer even if the money was less than her current income. Then came the difficult part - telling her boss that she was leaving.

An interesting thing happened though. Kym suddenly started making up reasons why she should stay where she is, even though she is extremely unhappy there. What really amazed her was that all of her justifications were based in fear and that fear came from past experience. It took the entire weekend of too-ing and fro-ing with the chitter chatter in her head before she broke through the fear and made the definitive decision to go for it! So right now Kym is feeling pretty excited about the next step in her career path.

The Universe always answers and all Kym had to do was listen to the message and receive its wisdom. And in the words of Susan Jeffers....feel the fear and do it anyway!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

New Business Ventures

Kym realised recently that she needed to look at other options to generate leads for her internet marketing business. Her husband was having success with MLM System Pro and so she decided to join. She is feeling very excited using this system to build her internet business. She set up a new blog called Who Is Kym Murphy and her two new websites MLMLeadNet and RealResultsForYou

Kym is feeling very excited about these business ventures!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Healing Times.....

Kym had a relaxing day after a refreshing night's sleep. She'd had a Reiki healing last night and a number of blockages were cleared and cords cut. She looks forward to her Reiki healings, particularly the after effects.

Over the past few weeks Kym has had a series of dreams she hadn't encountered before with symbols that were not usually in her experience. The Reiki clarified all.

Not to be outdone though, Kym was visited by a new set of symbols and people last night...swimming in a lake of turquoise coloured water so dense with colour that it looked solid, two white mice, skin peeling, her Mother, her Grandfather, her Aunty, a glass of water and more. When she woke this morning she diligently recorded the details for future reference and looked up the symbols on her favourite website Dream Moods.

Kym thought about how fascinating Dreams are; a combination of reconciling the day's happenings, thoughts and feelings with the paradigms and beliefs of the subconscious mind. She is looking forward to another night of excitement.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Universally Connected....

'You are not alone. I am here with you'......played over and over and over in Kym's mind as she slept. She didn't get to bed until after 2am after a fun night out with friends. Every time she rolled over or became lucid the words were there.....'You are not alone. I am here with you'..... She had to get up. It wouldn't stop. It was 7.12am on Sunday morning. Not even five hours sleep. She felt refreshed though.

As she sat at the kitchen table sipping from her cup of herbal tea she entertained the idea that these words were a message from the Universal Source Energy. Well maybe it was more a message from the Universe through Michael Jackson. She pondered the concept of everyone being connected as one through Universal Source Energy, and if that is the case, then people like Michael Jackson are completely aware of that connection and are able to 'channel' their talent. She realised that creative talent is within us all as a result of our connection to Universal Source Energy and yet it is only manifested, or rather apparent, in a small number of people. Michael Jackson being one of the most outstanding messengers of all.

And that's it. Kym knew that it was a message from the Universe. She is not alone, no matter how alone she may feel at times. She is not alone. Just as no-one is alone. Because like everything on this planet, we are all connected through Source Energy - the Universe. Kym felt comforted by that. She is connected.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Kym sat on the floor in her favourite room in the house to meditate. The house was quiet as everyone else slept. It was dull outside and the rain continued to fall as it had done all night. It was 7.40am.

She put her earplugs in and turned on her iPod to listen to Dr Wayne Dyer's Manifesting Meditations. She loved the morning AH meditation. It put her in the right mindset for the day. Mo the cat sat next to her as she did every morning.

The word 'parenthood' came to Kym. She allowed it to come and go as she listened to the soothing voice of Dr Wayne Dyer.

As the day continued Kym pondered this message from the Universe....'parenthood'. What was she meant to do with that? Was she meant to do anything with it? She decided that it didn't matter whether she did anything with it or not....what she did realise was that throughout her experience of 'parenthood' her role had changed and evolved, as in the survival of the fittest type of evolution that is.

She thought back to her first experience when she was married with one, and then before she knew it, two children. She was a typical 'mother' sharing the role of 'parenthood' with her children's 'father'. She recalled the difference between that situation and when she was a single parent for nine years where she played the roles of 'mother' and 'father' to her children. She realised that she was also the 'mother' and 'father' when she was married however the 'father' role wasn't as prominent or obvious. This then took her to her current situation where she is married and has two step-children, so now she is a 'mother', 'father' and 'step-mother'! WOW! What a trip!

Kym pondered this 'parenthood' concept more deeply and realised that to be a successful parent and to survive 'parenthood' no matter how old you and your children are, you have to grow and develop with the times. She too, like her children throughout their developmental transitions, had many transitional experiences of 'parenthood'. For instance, while she is still a 'mother' and step-mother', and on occasion 'father' to the children in her life, she is now more of a friend, guide, counsellor and sometimes a sage filled with wisdom, as she shares a more 'adult' experience of 'parenthood' with her children.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sounds of the Wind.....

Kym lay awake listening to the sounds of the wind billowing around the house. She became aware of a banging in another room. Not loud but non-the-less audible. Probably the french door in the lounge room. It was 3.02am. Should she get up? The idea appealed to her. It was an unusually balmy winter's night. Perfect for sitting in her office wrapped in her blue fluffy dressing gown and purple moccasins to work on her internet marketing. She decided that staying in bed was a better idea.

As she drifted back to sleep images from the dreams the wind had awoken her from went in and out of consciousness - a cleaner's trolley filled with cleaning implements and products with dark green fitted buckets nestled in the top - strange.

The door was still banging. Kym was not bothered by it. In fact it was comforting as it became part of the house's nightly rythym as it inhaled and exhaled. Her husband snored next to her. She drifted back to sleep her breathing also taking on the rythym of the house.