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Monday, August 24, 2009


Listen up everyone; Kym has been pondering the importance of laughter. It all started when Sue, a close friend, told her about her partner's recurrence of a potentially terminal illness. Kym's response was that she couldn't think of anything to say except that laughter is the best medicine.

Kym felt pretty ineffectual at saying this however over the weekend sh experienced first hand the power of laughter. Kym and Jeff (her husband) went out to dinner with close friends on Saturday night and ended up laughing a lot. The effects were still with her the next day; she could feel the laughter in every cell of her physical body. That day Kym decided that she wanted to see a movie, The Ugly Truth, and unexpectedly Jeff decided to come along. AND even more unexpectedly the movie was extremely funny and she laughed and laughed, along with most of the viewers. When she returned home she told Jeff that she felt there was more laughter inside her and she felt like she wanted to keep on she cooked roasted pumpkin, roasted capsicum and red lentil soup; Kym was very happy with the soup; it was very delicious.

So, on Monday when Kym woke up to get ready for work she could still feel the effects of her weekend of laughter throughout her entire body and she felt fantastic! She realised that throughout the entire day her mood was lighter and she laughed at silly things she wouldn't normally give a second glance. It's now Tuesday morning and she can still feel the effects of the laughter. Her body feels alive and she can feel the energy coursing through the cells in her body.

So Kym no longer feels ineffectual at the advice she gave her dear friend and is completely amazed at the power of laughter. She is also completely amazed at the power of laughter because she doesn't laugh easily.

SO everyone, laughter truly is the best medicine!

Here are a few links:

Enjoy your day and laugh out loud with Kym!

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