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Monday, August 17, 2009

The decision....

Kym was feeling torn between two decisions. Her current job was not fulfilling and she was finding it challenging to feel inspired. On Wednesday morning on the way to work she had a clear and decisive was time to leave her job. As usual the Universe worked its magic and in the early afternoon, not long after her lunch break, Kym received a call from someone she had done some work for last year. He told her that there were two positions available that he thought she might like and he was calling her because he'd been told by someone that she was unhappy in her current job. Kym couldn't believe it! She was taking this offer even if the money was less than her current income. Then came the difficult part - telling her boss that she was leaving.

An interesting thing happened though. Kym suddenly started making up reasons why she should stay where she is, even though she is extremely unhappy there. What really amazed her was that all of her justifications were based in fear and that fear came from past experience. It took the entire weekend of too-ing and fro-ing with the chitter chatter in her head before she broke through the fear and made the definitive decision to go for it! So right now Kym is feeling pretty excited about the next step in her career path.

The Universe always answers and all Kym had to do was listen to the message and receive its wisdom. And in the words of Susan Jeffers....feel the fear and do it anyway!

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